
Come Up Higher: 2017

Hey friends!
I'm just going to be honest and say that in just a few ways, my 2017 started today. Maybe it’s the same for you.  It’s not typical that I rush to define my new year in a word or verse until one settles in my heart - so this one came about two weeks ago in the thick of all that is life right now.
Life in the USA – that is.
January could've been a full year in and of itself. The swift changes, sharp repercussions, tensions, sadness, the flaring passions, and frustrations – like the vision of a kaleidoscope and the twist of its dial by hand, it seems that complexities have either multiplied, or re-presented themselves. And the view isn’t exactly beautiful or awe-inspiring – but it does call for a real response – an honest, practical, reasonable, what do we do now - JESUS kind of response.
I have carried a few burdens in my heart. I have watched. I have prayed. I’ve gotten angry, and I’ve calmed down. I’m concerned for the vulnerable. I am intrigued and eager to converse with those who stand on a certain few convictions – I am worried about the ones who want to shut their ears and pretend none of this is happening – but, most of all, I am concerned for the body of Christ – 

Which Jesus are we giving the world right now?  

Is it the One in the bible?

What are we saying?  
What are we not saying?
New President. Same God. Bigger Problems… What to do?

These are real questions that need real answers. 

As political and moral reasoning become more polarized, we are forced to ask what this year will mean for us.  And future events don’t have to define us any more than we can predict what is to come, but will we stick our heads in the sand and play dumb? Or is there a story to be written about the part we played when times got tougher? 
And not just for ourselves –  for everyone. 

Are we praying? What are we doing?
And what is true on the inside?  
Where are our convictions coming from? And what are we going to do with them?

What is informing our hearts? 

Being unclear and undecided has long gone out of style. And staying in the gray isn’t enough.  Where are our markers?
Eventually, we’ll have to know what we believe and why we believe it. And whether the kings of the earth will dictate what we think – or our King in Heaven.  This is about the moment we’re asked to pick a side & take a stand - and knowing right now, in advance, what we’d stand for. Of all the sub-goals I have for this year, it's bigger than what's personal -- 2017 screams “Come Up Higher.”

Will my fears inform me or His Word? Will I take on the responsibility of an aggressive prayer life - the kind that moves mountains, the kind that God initiates - the kind that God sustains? Am I going to obey when it's time to get to work? Am I a responsible carrier of the light & hope of Christ?

Self reflection time - 

Are we sleepwalking, or are we wide awake?

I think of the disciples who fell asleep while on post when Jesus went away to pray and I find that the last thing I’d want to be is caught sleeping on the job by my Savior. 
We can’t afford to do that now. 

As long as we are here, the world should see and hear and feel Jesus. He’s trusting us with Himself. Will we walk worthy of the call? 

To defend the voiceless – provide for the least of these – love the outcast – and spread truth and love… We know who our Father is, but do we know what He wants?? Are we truly about the Father’s business? Are we jointly fit together? Is the Body of Christ, united and alert or divided and distracted? Are we too bent up on who’s Democrat and who’s a Republican?   

God is much bigger than politics. 

It’s time we function from what we agree on & not what we don’t.

Bottom line: JESUS
What really matters? Whatever matters to Him..
Where do we take Him? To this world.

Son of light. Daughter of the Day.  Know Whose you are. You live under wide open skies. You have access to the Father. Come up Higher. Hear His heart for mankind.

And use YOUR voice. Now is the time.

Romans 10:15b | “… How beautiful are the feet of those who carry the good news!”

Throughout the next weeks I’ll offer more specific and practical thoughts on how we can live out loud in times like these. Really.  

More convictions to come...

Praying for us…


The Obamas: The Love & Decency We Needed to See

It was 2008 at the DNC Convention when I first "met" Michelle ... I was at my grandfather's house watching intently because I wanted to hear the Senator's wife. 

Barack Obama was his name -
I wanted to know what she was like. 

In a sea foam colored dress - with sophistication, compassion & soft wit, Mrs. Obama shared the importance of education, hard work, her father's commitment to her family and the strength of middle class America. She spoke of her "two heartbeats," her daughters, and she captured mine - first go 'round.

Michelle could've run in 2008.

As she wrapped up her first major twenty-minute hello, I ran to the guest room door and yelled down the stairs --- ok. Maybe I screamed.

"POP POP!!!!!!!! POP POP! Did you see her?!! ...Did you hear her?! She's BEAUTIFUL! ...That's our First Lady! They're gonna win!!" 

With tears in my eyes & a certain elation, it didn't take long before the secret was out.


Putting On My Warrior Boots: The Day I Decided Fear Couldn't Make My Decision & The Lisa Whittle Retreat!!!

Lisa Whittle. Lover of Jesus. Author. Teacher. Funny. Warm & Down to Earth. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her until last weekend..
I'd been following Lisa's ministry for some time now... She posts. I open my email. That has been the pattern. Her way with words and biggest message, "God First." won me from first read. I've only known her to be authentic, and fiery, and uncompromising in her love for the gospel, so when she said she was hosting a retreat for just about 30 women to share her heart, upcoming book, and tips for aspiring authors, I knew I had to be there.
Problem?  Precipitation. The bad kind. Almost didn't make it!
Snow in NJ. State of emergency in NC. I LOVE flying, but I didn't sleep too well the night before heading out. The news exploited photos of car pile-ups in the typically "sunny south" as I heard deep down inside, "If you go, I'll keep you.." 


A Prayer for 2017

Lord, thank you for bringing me through 2016. 

Thank you for preserving me, providing for me, enlightening me, calling me higher, and lifting my head. Thank you for your presence. Your unyielding presence. Your warring presence. Your protective presence. Your guiding presence. Your comforting presence. Your inviting presence. 
Thank you for Your companionship. Your parenting. Your concern. Your commitment. Your capability. 

All unmatched - eternally unmatched.

You are more committed to me than I am to myself, more committed to me than those I have trusted -even those I trust -- those you gifted to my life. I thank you, Lord, for takingYour relationship with me seriously... for pursuing me and drawing me close with Your goodness and mercy,  promises and faithfulness, the purest motives and purest desire for intimacy and friendship. Thank you that who You are today, will not change tomorrow . 


Your Friend, "HOPE."


 "A person or thing in which expectations are centered."
"The feeling that what is desired can be had."

It's the most wonderful time of the year... it is :) 
But in the midst of good tidings and Christmas cheer, it's no secret that the holidays often highlight  we've lost and now lack, or perhaps what we want and do not yet have.  And while we know the reason for the season, feelings of disappointment and loneliness still manage to seep their way in. The year wraps up and we're eager to cross over. We rejoice, but we can also be tempted to mull over missed opportunities, unfulfilled longings, and incomplete endeavors. 

You may be hopeful. You may be hopeless. 
And it could actually depend on the day (YIKES! and #nojudgment)..

But, if your hope needs to be steadied and is under attack - and if you've given up parts of your life to whatever may come, I'm writing to fight with you.

You'll need your hope in its purest form and most proper place to keep at life in every season. 
This is a virtue you cannot forfeit..

You'll need your friend. You'll need your HOPE.
(It gets better, keep reading!)


Same. Real. God.

Have a seat. Quiet your heart. Take a moment. Settle down. Before you lament, and while you wonder.. before you decide you're not sure, anymore. 

Remember. Consider. Conclude.

Remember God's many words to your heart & recount the moments He's met you with love. 

Remember His faithfulness. 

Consider His confirmation of your pursuit - the peace, added strength, and every one of those God-winks💛



As if the past year and a half wasn’t preparation enough, these past 9 days have taken many Americans on quite an interesting ride (and that’s -- to say the least). We’ve faced unwelcome surprises. Daily, political developments grow more & more bizarre. We’re either witnessing overt and sick behavior we haven’t seen before, or, overt and sick behavior we haven’t seen in decades... We’re greeting old friends and wondering who they voted for… failing to make eye contact with strangers at Shop Rite, signing out of social media because it’s just too much, or signing on because we’re info-addicts. We’re watching the news all day or shutting off the TV in protest for peace. We're living in a new kind of day, but perhaps without the cheer that newness typically brings.. 

It's true.

 Because - the biggest misstep, I believe, is that some have tied their entire futures to the successful or failing fate of this country. Now - whether this past week was a victory or a loss for you, if you’ve paid enough attention to anything that’s taken place – ANYTHING -- you may have felt a new kind of fear, faced different doubts, drummed up new concerns, or at the very least, found that you had new questions... And it's true.

It’s clearer now more than ever before that times are changing and this world needs more than a “good man” in a seat -  it needs God, and He's on a throne..


I Think You Should Know that You're Legal...

Ever wondered if you even belonged on this planet?! I know I have.. be it my quirks, and perks =) or something as simple as how I perceive and process any given day or situation...people are different.  I have laughed way too hard in the wrong moments, and cried watching the Animal Channel because I can't stand to watch when the baby deer loses mother deer and the lion comes and ---- you know what happens next. My heart can't take it!!! :( #circleoflife

But I've digressed. Back to the point. God is so creative in His placement that we
often come into contact & even do life with people who are so different from ourselves. At times, it's wonderful, but other times it can cause us to question our belonging. It may cause us to run


"I'll Take Care of You..." He said..

One thing I love about God is that He's not found scratching His head when questions arise or trouble comes. He's not at a loss for words, wisdom or solutions. He's not non-chalant or disengaged. He's concerned. A portion of His glory is wrapped up in our living. He's committed to our victory. He's committed to our testimonies.. even if they're not always what WE think they should be. All things work together. He secures the wins💛
His role in this relationship is to lead us to triumph. 
Our role is to follow Him. 
"I'll take care of you..." He says."Because your problems are my problems."


30 and Worthy :)

Mood Leading Up to My 30th

OK, I promise... I do understand that I've been an adult for at least the last 5 years, but THIRTY? What. The. Flip? My cutesie twenties are officially leaving the building, but I hear it gets better from here, and that's nice... I'll take it :) 

To commemorate the end of my roaring twenties, and begin my celebration to THIRTY, here are 30 lessons I've pulled from my last 10 sets of 365 days :) 

1. You don't have to be wrong to apologize first.
2. Save your money. You'll need it.
3. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with milk makes a great breakfast. 


On GRACE & Progress: A 2016 Check-In.

Are you a Perfectionist?

Perfectionism rarely works out for the carrier, and I've been a bona fide perfectionist way more than I've allowed myself to just live and let live.

As freely as God's grace is given is about as hard as it's been for me to receive - but that's an exaggeration...  because grace, even in its smallest form, is still much greater than my occasional inability to simply exhale & take it all.


Be. Do. Become...

Reminds me of a conversation I had last night.. ⭐️ so grateful for those who share truths to challenge my now and challenge my process...

"You don't always have to over-prepare to care about what you care about, to stand for what's in your heart to stand for, to be who you were created to be. Not all the time......"

Your passion will lead your life & your truth will shape it. 
If you have the courage to acknowledge what moves you & the will to do something about it - DO.


And BECOMING is in the doing.. your practice will make YOU perfect. Perfectly you. Authentic. Enough. So move.

I'm learning and I am challenged..

Faith has more than a voice with which to speak, it has legs, with which to walk...

#allconditionsapply #Godleading


#sheawasinspired #soSheawrote.

Happy 2016 : ) 


Because We All Want Something to Believe In..

IIt was a little over a week ago when I was sitting in Newark airport waiting for my flight to clear. Delayed twice with storms in our destination - I had no idea when we were going to make it into Orlando. I was in no rush given the report, but I still didn't want to spend my day stuck in a blue, soiled, leather seat.. watching the digits on the clock increase by the hour.

It's a work trip so I'm surrounded by people I know. We board the plane with a 2.5 hour delay, and the conversations begin. I'm sat in between a  man and a woman, a Director and an Account Executive. Let's call her "Sally." Let's call him, "Jim."


On Friends, Loyalty, Loss and Your Best One Ever..


Featured Blogger #2: "Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?" by Dr. RayPritchard

I'm sharing this article because I've always wondered. Always had this question.
Because people around me are facing loss and I want to be of sure and sound heart when I open my mouth to comfort them..

When my Nana passed, my great grandmother, and even one of my schoolmates at age 9...
I needed to know... Do we really get to see them again? Will we even recognize them? How would I cope with the devastation of even thinking that the last time I saw this person was indeed, the LAST time? ... I loved them too much. That would hurt most.


"Love Me For My Holy"

If there's anything in life about which we typically love to lament, it's when we find that someone loves us, but not for the entirety of who we are ---our strengths and weaknesses, our quirks, and our flaws. It's when the idea of you, or me, stirs interest, excites, and draws someone close for a moment, but as the relationship grows in intimacy, "who you turned out to be," isn't exactly who they had in mind. That maybe, who you are - or have been all along - is now a bit off-putting.

The relationship stalls. It ceases to grow... or maybe it ends. 

I see posts about it all the time.

Like. Like. Like...

And I agree sometimes, I do..
But I can't help but liken this to our relationship with God.


What My Birthday Did for Me..

I had plans .. and they were changed. The first thing I asked my sister when I woke up yesterday morning was if she was trying to RUIN my birthday.

VIDEO clips from:
..My 29th 


My Eyes Are Watching God

There are battles that belong to the Lord... future victories, and then blessings that add NO sorrow, more victories.. There are seasons of ease and effortless flow -- and then, seasons where nothing comes easy.

 Absolutely Nothing.

 But my eyes are watching God..


Divine Valentine

Valentine's Day is experienced in so many ways. There are couples who go out of their way to celebrate and others who do not. There are singles who make the day about self-pampering, singles who take heart and love on their relatives, singles who insist the day bares no significance, and singles that go into hiding, admitting it brings pain. Some people are new to the grief that the day could bring because of death, divorce, or breakup. Some others find it to be a joyous occasion because they've recently embarked upon a new season of love, engagement, or marriage.

Whatever the situation,  I spoke to a friend who spoke to an ex-boyfriend.. . She said he still loved her & he missed her -- but he's newly engaged, to someone else.



Hmm... 2014:)

I'm going to be honest. I had  mixed feelings on New Year's Eve.  I LOVE even numbers and the year was one of my favorites. Not that I hadn't had my brush with bad news, blood, sweat, or tears... it's just that I had a hard time letting it go | It's hard to let go of a year that you always felt would come.. But you have to settle on knowing there's more...
You live and you learn that it doesn't stop here. It doesn't stop wherever you are..

I may not have passed every test, but for the ones that I have, and for the moments that have stretched me,  it's been worth the journey.

And the journey is what we live for. The journey makes the destination worth our arrival.

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