Reminds me of a conversation I had last night.. ⭐️ so grateful for those who share truths to challenge my now and challenge my process...
"You don't always have to over-prepare to care about what you care about, to stand for what's in your heart to stand for, to be who you were created to be. Not all the time......"
Your passion will lead your life & your truth will shape it.
If you have the courage to acknowledge what moves you & the will to do something about it - DO.
And BECOMING is in the doing.. your practice will make YOU perfect. Perfectly you. Authentic. Enough. So move.
I'm learning and I am challenged..
Faith has more than a voice with which to speak, it has legs, with which to walk...
#allconditionsapply #Godleading
#sheawasinspired #soSheawrote.
Happy 2016 : )
love this Shea Shea