
On Friends, Loyalty, Loss and Your Best One Ever..

I have been blessed to have some absolutely wonderful friends - anytime friends, the gift kind of friend. We've been through the trenches, but our truths are no secret. Not perfect, but we'd quicker opt to pray for one another, admonish and love on one another than discuss one another and hide our help in the thick of the night when the sun is slow to shine.... Our iron is sharpened and our lives are enriched because we've been blessed to cross paths. 

True, there are reason, season and lifetime people.  True, there are relationships that last and those that are lessons, but don't let the lessons scar you for life. 

Remember, that being alone at times isn't so bad. You learn to walk with God. You learn to depend on His friendship. You find out you can trust Him. And when God does send lifers - they'll meet your desire for earthly companionship in the healthiest of ways because your need for the TRUEST fill has already been met. 

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. #JESUS

1 comment:

  1. Nice read. I especially like the scripture reference Proverbs 27:5-6.


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